Get to Know the Family Study Center

Family Study Center, Inc., is a private, outpatient practice located in Danbury, Connecticut.

Dr. Gelinas, a Board-Certified Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatrist, started his private psychiatric practice in 1999, and founded Family Study Center, Inc, in 2004.

Family Study Center, Inc., employs highly trained and experienced on-staff psychotherapists.  We strive dynamically to create effective psychiatric evaluations, formulations, working diagnoses, and treatment plans to fit the needs of individual patients.  As needed, we coordinate care with area specialists, including Dr. Gelinas and other clinicians.

Meet the Team

Our Practice Philosophy

The psychotherapists of Family Study Center, Inc. seek first to understand each patient’s individual history and status, then to diagnose and to formulate comprehensive treatment plans.  A deepening process unfolds over the course of ongoing treatment.

We work as highly trained and experienced psychiatric clinicians. Together, we keep current with the state of the art of psychiatric evaluation and treatment.  We treat people – not diagnoses and symptoms.  We consider each patient’s unique biological, psychological, neurological, developmental, and social histories. We recognize that the best way to help and to serve each patient is to appreciate each one as an individual with both worthy strengths and identified hurdles.

We serve to provide comprehensive treatment and to collaborate as needed with primary care providers, specialists, schoolteachers and administrators, family members, adjunct clinicians, and advocates. At the same time, we never forget that maintaining privacy is essential and paramount.

We believe we need to remain humble, as we seek to help each patient and every family to find answers for their personal struggles, while we offer continued encouragement, optimism, and professionalism.

Contact Us

Family Study Center, Inc.
57 North Street
Suite 419
Danbury , CT 06810

Phone:  203-778-2020

Fax:      203-778-4040